Beating the GRE 2009: An Audio Guide to Getting the Score You Need (Unabridged)
Price:- $14.99
Product Summery
First things first: congratulations! Taking the GRE means that you're seriously thinking about a graduate degree. That takes some serious dedication, my friend. Now the bad news: this test---the only thing holding you back from that advanced degree in German, International Policy, or Genomics and Genetics---is going to make you think about (and use!) a whole bunch of stuff you haven't given any serious consideration since high school.
Don't panic! If you'll take this thing seriously (and we know you will), and take us with you wherever you go, we promise to bring the best our experts have to offer and get you ready to net the GRE score you need. And then, the only thing left to do is don those shades, buddy, because you'll be looking into a bright, bright future.